//The Meaning of Suffering

The Meaning of Suffering

Suffering is a disorder, a disruption of inner human harmony which causes physical, mental and spiritual pain. In every corner of the world suffering abounds!

The search for the meaning of suffering remains one of the age-old human concerns. Suffering eludes human understanding and enters the realm of mystery. There is self-inflicted suffering or suffering inflicted on others (anthropodicy) even by seemingly good people, and suffering that remains mysterious raising the question why the omnipotent and good God allows such suffering upon the innocent (theodicy).

Suffering is less a riddle to be solved and more a mystery to be savoured through contemplation of the suffering of Christ. In Jesus we attain the ultimate meaning of suffering that leads to new life without succumbing to fatalism. Jesus suffers out of abundant unconditional love that seeks to alleviate human suffering.

Our suffering is a participation in the suffering of Christ. Suffering is not meaningless but redemptive and salvific. Suffering is a path-way to growth in virtues and abundant life in Christ. God stands in solidarity with suffering humanity and suffers with us. We are not alone.