//All or Nothing: Sr Clare Crockett (2021)

All or Nothing: Sr Clare Crockett (2021)

(Documentary) Runtime: 96 Minutes

Producer:  H M Television.

The story of the Irish nun, Sr. Clare Theresa Crockett, is the tale of a dramatic faith journey. Born in a lukewarm Catholic family, in Londonderry, North Ireland, Clare was an unlikely candidate for a religious vocation. She had a happy childhood, though she lived in a town notorious for political violence between the Catholic Irish nationalists and the Protestant British supporters.

A talented singer, playwright, director and actor, Clare dreamed of an acting career for which theater would be the launching ground. Those around her called her a “live wire’ on account of her energetic, joyful and outgoing style that connected her with everyone. She had declared her intentions to be famous one day in her chosen field. At 17 she started smoking and drinking and took boyfriends. She appeared in a movie too.

But things took a drastic turn after she accidentally went on a tour to Spain with her friends. She had joined the program thinking it was a picnic but it was intended as a pilgrimage during the Holy Week of 2000. On Good Friday when she went up to kiss the crucifix, she had her epiphany-moment about which she publicly confessed, coming to a realization that she was called to religious life. When she announced that she was going to join a convent, her friends and family were stunned.  When they asked her about the choice, recalling her wish to be famous, came her witty reply: “Well, I suppose I can be a famous nun!” She said: “Neither success, nor fame, nor human love could fill me. I knew that only by doing what God wanted from me could I be truly happy.”

In the face of discouragement from her flabbergasted family, Clare remained firm in her decision. She declared that she would have “all or nothing.” She joined the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother, a congregation dedicated to the Eucharist, the Virgin and mission for the youth. She took the name Sr. Clare Maria of the Trinity and the Heart of Mary; she served in Spain, U.S.A., and Ecuador.  Her total commitment, infectious enthusiasm, sense of humour and adaptability made her popular wherever she went, adapting easily to the discipline of convent life. Serving in earthquake- prone Ecuador, while experiencing a quake she jokingly remarked that she would also die thus and die young like the Lord. It turned out to be a prophecy. At age 33, on 16 April 2016, she died along with some postulants under her care, while practicing music at a building which an earthquake destroyed.

The film draws on photos and candid videos of Clare along with the impressions of many people who knew her. Clare surrendered herself in joyful, loving sacrifice to Christ, radiating joy that inspired everyone around her. Recently Sr. Clare has become widely known, with testimonies pouring in. The cause of her beatification has been proposed.