//Your attention please!

Your attention please!

Jivan is our magazine. It is your magazine. So feel free to write for it.

Number of words: Please keep in mind that it is the magazine of the entire South Asian Assistancy and so if your report concerns just an institution, let it not exceed 300 words. If it is something that concerns an entire Province, your report may have 600 words.

If your report has to do with the entire Conference, the report can have 1200 words. If your article is chosen to be the cover story, then it can have 1,500 words. So if you think you have an article that merits to be a cover story, please check with the editor.

New email IDs: This is important. Please make a note of it. The two official email addresses of Jivan have changed. Send your reports and articles to editorjivan@gmail.com and jivanmagazine@gmail.com as well as the Jivan correspondent of your Zone. Their names are on p.3.

Deadline: The deadline is 10 of the previous month. If your article/report is for the September ’23 issue, then it should reach us by 10 August.

Send photographs: Always ensure that you send relevant photographs along with your reports. But never place the photographs by the side of the text. Always send the photographs separately as jpeg files. Send as many photographs as possible, so that we could choose the best. Reports that are accompanied by photographs have a better chance of getting published than those who do not have any photograph.

Introducing books: Jivan will be happy to introduce your English books. Sorry, we can’t do this for books in vernacular languages. Make sure you provide all the relevant details like the title of the book, your (author’s) name, the name of the publisher, the number of pages and the price. We’ll need an introduction of your book in three or four lines. Send also a photograph of the cover of your book. Never forget to send a copy of your book to: Fr. MA. Joe Antony, SJ/Editor, Jivan/ Jesuit Residence/ St. Joseph’s College/ Trichy – 620 002/ Tamil Nadu/ India.

If your book deserves more coverage than just an introduction, then we will highlight it in other ways.

The Socii to the Provincials are requested to send an obituary of deceased Jesuits of your Province in about 200 words along with their photographs.

Feedback: Your feedback is always welcome. If you are not a writer but know a Jesuit who is, you can send his name and email id so that we can contact them.Subscribe: Please make sure that your community, school, college, parish, centre, or library has subscribed to Jivan and is getting a copy regularly. If they have not, please write to GSP immediately