//The Green Church

The Green Church

The Church is defined in terms of models. None of the existing models has incorporated ecological concerns into the theological framework. The Green Model of the Church attempts to fill this lacuna in Catholic ecclesiology. It is an appropriate theological response to the ecological crisis of our times.In other words, the book is an attempt to read the Church from the perspective of an eco-theologian. It is a ‘green’ reading of Church dogmas. Theology is ‘faith seeking understanding’ and faith seeking intelligent action. Theology is not for showcasing a theoretical standpoint but for intelligent action, aimed at social change. The purpose of this scholarly work is to build a bridge between the biological and theological sciences towards a meaningful social change. It will be of use to those who function at the grass-root level in the sphere of ecology, and the Church.

The Green Model of the Church | Author: Jose Mathew SJ
Publication: Christian World Imprints, New Delhi | Price:Rs. 365/-