//The role of Jesuits in my formation

The role of Jesuits in my formation

The Jesuit priests – Sebastian Kappen and Adapoor – and Dr. M. M. Thomas – a lay theologian – played a great role in my life. Their thoughts on social justice as expounded in the Bible and in the teachings of Jesus touched me at a time when I had started moving far away from the Church and all forms of organized religion. It was unthinkable for family and friends to accept that I had turned a Marxist and atheist. More confusing was the fact that some of us still acknowledge the impact that the intellectual and spiritual legacy of liberation theology has had on us. It has given us the impetus to accompany movements for justice hand in hand with Jesuits and radical clergy. The fisherfolk’s movement raging in Kerala, and the opportunity I got to participate in and study the movement was another factor in direction my life took. It was reminiscent in some ways of the manner in which Jesuits accompanied the struggling masses in Latin America.

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