//Standing by Pope Francis

Standing by Pope Francis

The book consists of five independently written articles in which the author tries to explain to the laity the evangelically effective thrust of our Pope Francis’ universal pastorate which, however, is overtly contested by a large faction of Catholics (mostly of Euro-American provenance) who are notoriously known to have always resisted the renewal triggered off by Vatican II. Hence Pieris’ book assumes the form of an apologia pro summon pontifice in which Francis’ fidelity to the Council is vindicated, the Christo-centric vibrancy of his life and teaching is demonstrated, and his unprecedented manner of exercising the Petro-Pauline office of papacy is illustrated with examples. The author, being both a product and a promoter of Vatican II on which he has published widely, appears to summon his confreres to join him in complying with the Pope’s ardent request made known to Baltic Jesuits that we of the same Society of Jesus assist him in the mission entrusted to him by Divine Providence, namely, that of resuming and continuing the Conciliar Renewal from where it ceased after the demise of St. Paul VI. This anthology of articles includes also some of the author’s satirical poems or what he himself calls “versified protests” against the anti-Francis lobby.

  • Title: Background Information necessary for helping Francis renew the Church: A message meant mainly not exclusively for Jesuits
  • Author: Aloysius Pieris, SJ
  • Publisher: Tulana Jubilee Publications, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
  • Page: 54 pages
  • YEAR: 2019