To NEP or Not to NEP

The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is at our doorstep in India with a pressing mandate for its implementation. We in the school and higher education, need to prepare ourselves to make the best of…

Dear Brothers!

We would like to say something personal to you, dear Coadjutor Brothers of the Society of Jesus. Let it be our confession, our tribute and an accolade to you and your unique vocation. [auth] History…

The Inner Side of Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management (LM) are increasingly becoming interdependent, and so pose a challenge to the Church and the Society of Jesus, especially in the changing context. We are called to remodel our LM constantly. [auth]…

Re-inventing Ourselves

In the name of ‘re-structuring’ or ‘re-configuring’ itself, the Society of Jesus is ‘re-inventing’ or ‘re-imagining’ itself. As ageing and shrinking in numbers catch up with us, and diminishing vocations and increasing deaths bring us…

Did we miss the Synodality Train?

Pope Francis, out of the sheer goodness of his heart, reversed the age-old trend of organizing synods. This time it’s not voices from the top dictating to the lower ranks. Rather, LISTENING to the raw…