The 10th National Congress of the JAAI commenced on the evening of 10th Feb. 2023, hosted by the Jesuits Alumni Associations of Patna, in the prestigious and iconic St Xavier’s High School, St Michael’s High…
Drawing from Nature – Art and Mother Earth
An Art Workshop was organized by CARP (Company of Artists for Radiance of Peace), LIPI (Loyola Institute of Peace and International relations, Kerala), and GJEM (Gujarat Jesuit Ecology Mission). Nineteen professional artists from India and…
Preparing for the first Universal Apostolic Preference
‘Discernment and Spiritual Exercises’, the first of the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) is fundamental because it presupposes as a basic condition the relation of the Jesuit with the Lord, his personal and communitarian life of…
Jesuit South Asian Assembly (JESAA), Pune
The Jesuits of South Asia, two hundred plus, gathered in Pune from 25th to 28th April for a South Asian Jesuit Assembly (JESAA 2019) to explore ways to make their life and mission intercultural, viewing…
JCSA at Pedro Arrupe Institute, Raia, Goa
After three momentous events: the cause for the beatification and canonization of Fr. Pedro Arrupe, introduced in Rome on 5th Feb; the promulgation the UAPs to the whole Society on 19th Feb; and the meeting…
International Symposium on Stephen Hawking and God
Wide consensus exists that the existence of God cannot be established conclusively on logic or science alone. But attempts at establishing the non-existence of God on purely logical or scientific basis have been even more…
Annual meeting of Pre-Novitiate Directors and Vocation Promoters
The Annual meeting of Pre-Novitiate Directors and Vocation Promoters of the South Asian Assistancy was held at Sneh Jyoti, Sevasi, Gujarat, from 17th to 20th November 2018. [auth] The group was warmly welcomed by Frs.…
JCSA Darjeeling – a meeting like no other
Looking far into the future: The JCSA Major Superiors ascended the Himalayan Range and perched themselves in Darjeeling, 2042 metres above sea level. They had a breathtaking view of the terrain below - Sikkim to…
Meeting of the Assistancy Commission for Formation (ACF)
The Annual ACF meeting was held at Vinayalaya, Mumbai, on 30th September, 2018. The host Fr Frazer introduced the dynamics and logistics and welcomed the new members. Fr Arun D’Souza, Provincial of Bombay Province, briefed…