The SWAN Girls: Prophetic Witness of the Youth

Then the LORD said, “I have certainly seen the oppression of my people...I have heard their cries of distress... Yes, I am aware of their suffering.” (Ex. 3:7) [auth] These words that set Moses on…

The Rights of Stateless Citizens

The plight of migrant workers walking thousands of kilometres to their homes carrying their children on the shoulders and their meagre possession on their back, braving heat and hunger will haunt us for many years.…

Pandemic: A call to Indigenous way of life

“We don’t want sympathy, we want dignity; we work hard to earn our living, and we don’t beg, borrow or steal. We may be poor but we are also citizens of this country with equal…

Migrant Solidarity Centre, Bagaicha

Soon after the sudden and shocking announcement of the lockdown, and in the absence of Government help, worried and frustrated migrants began to leave for their distant homes. Images of thousands of men, women and…

“I can’t breathe” in India too

Breathing is such a natural activity that we do not even pay attention to it most of the time, unless of course, we are practising pranayama or yoga. What is more, breath is free! For…

The Person of Ignatius

There are many ways to approach the life of St. Ignatius. [auth] One could focus on his writings, his vision, or his leadership qualities. One could trace the path of his life in chronological order,…

Beyond the peripheries – among the Transgenders

Corona virus has destabilized millions of people in our country. The most affected are the daily wage earners and the migrants. Of these, the ‘blacklisted’ and the ostracized from society are the ‘secluded minority’ -…