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A Drive for Humanity

Is it safe for a woman to walk in a city after 10 pm? You will say, no. But what about driving an autorickshaw at night? I know, you will say, that is dangerous. You…

‘Her’ Story

Though unable to hold the expanse of the mystery,This work is a microscopic view of her Calvary.This puny effort to narrate her story,I know, won’t even at least be a summary. [auth] Sorrow fills her…


I am sure you remember the famous letter of former Fr General, Adolfo Nicolás, ‘Renewal of Province Structures in the Service of Universal Mission’. Do you know that this letter is now ten years old?…

A Synodal Lent

A synod is not merely an ecclesial event but a celebration of a new charism in the Church. [auth] The synod on Synodality is an even greater occasion for the renewal of the Spirit within…

Challenges to Religious Life Today

That there is a ‘crisis’ in consecrated religious life is there for everyone to see. Look at the drop in entrees. Those who leave religious life are plenty. ‘Disobedience’, and ‘calls for justice’, are becoming…

Losing God in the Religious Life

A Personal Reflection [auth] This may sound like an oxymoron – losing God in the religious life. One joins the religious life thinking one can come closer to God and dedicate one’s life to what…

Being an Astronomer Brother

[auth] “How were you inspired to give up a prestigious career in astronomy, supported by NASA, to enter the Jesuits?” In fact, the assumptions behind the question are mostly wrong. It didn’t happen like people…

The Relevance of Religious Vows

“I don’t feel the need of vows” Margaret Rossi (name changed), an Italian laywoman, is one of the finest human beings I have ever met.  She was also deeply God-centred—but not in the “traditional” ways.…

Called To Be Women Of The Resurrection

Musings On Religious Life Today [auth] I have been pilgrimaging from the self to the selfless, while working for an NGO in Mumbai for the past 25 years. Because of this particular setting, mine is…