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Br. Michael Lopes, SJ (GUJ) 1944-2023

“The answers to life’s most complex problems are simple ones; think simple and you will not complicate your life.” This quote describes succinctly ‘simple brother’ Michael Lopes’ life. He enjoyed claiming “I am a simple…

Women – Nation’s Pride

Women of India, strong and bold,With grace and beauty, their stories untold.Their struggles immense, yet they rise,With courage and perseverance in their eyes. [auth] They bear the burden of home and work,With dignity and strength,…

Lent: A time for Soul Gardening

Our soul is a garden, our thoughts are the seedsWe can grow flowers, or we can sprout weeds [auth] In this crazy busy world, many have taken to gardening as a relaxing and recreational hobby,…

Becoming Ambassadors of Environment

You travel to any part of our country and you hear this unusual news: ‘it rained here recently’. ‘This time the winter was acute’. In fact, 2022 saw some of India’s wettest and warmest months…

Vidyajyoti at the Service of Theological Formation

According to the Statutes of Vidyajyoti, Art. 1, “Initiatives and activities of Vidyajyoti… are intended to promote the values of Christian tradition, and in particular, values of our time most in need – the dignity…

A Woman’s Journey through Lent

As Secretary of the Archdiocesan Women’s Commission of Bombay, one of my duties was to plan and organise the Women’s Day celebrations. Lent invariably coinciding with 8th March was a kind of spoiler. In time…