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Journeying with the Youth of South Asia

On 27th October 2018, the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops promulgated a path-breaking document ‘Young People, The Faith and Vocational Discernment’ at the end of a historic Synod on youth! The…

Thank you, JIVAN!

This will be my last editorial as Jivan editor. I am to take over another mission, requested by the Society. Being human, I feel emotional about leaving Jivan, as I enjoyed the job immensely. [auth]…

Formators Must Focus on Building Character

A major part of the Spirit’s activity in Jesus was the fashioning of his character. As a human being, Jesus had to grow spiritually, psychologically and physically, and he truly “increased in wisdom, and in…

The Magic of Magis

A Story: In a small village, a widowed mother and her son lived together. The mother worked as a gardener to support their family, and her son often watched her tend to the plants. One…

Channelising the Energy and Potential of Youth

A new age will be created by the passion and power of young people. Generations after generations, young people have always been a core population of our society, on whom we shoulder our present and…

Antonio Moscheni, World Class Jesuit Painter

The Jesuit Brother, Antonio Moscheni was born in the village Stezzano near Bergamo in Italy, in 1854. His natural talent for art was recognized and encouraged by his father, by sending him to the Academia…

Five Chilies and One Lemon

The first prize winning short story of the JIVAN Creative Writing Contest (Short Story) 2022. [auth] Sunita gave a yellow polythene bag to Suman with three chapattis and potato ‘bhaji’ and said, “Come back on…