Sexual abuse, Power and Conscience

Fr. Hans Zollner, SJ responds to the JIVAN Editorial team. [auth] Truth is the sacred space of all Journalism and the core of any evangelization. In the wake of clerical sex abuse, the Universal Church…

Eminent Theologian in Ecclesiology and Missiology

Fr. Kurien Kunnumpuram is not physically present with us anymore. What a loss to the Jesuit family and to the Church in India! Kurien was very active till recently continuing his theological writings while staying…

Forest Man of India

He was a just in his teens when he started this. After noticing the deaths of a large number of reptiles due to a lack of a tree cover, he started planting Bamboo in an…

JCSA Darjeeling – a meeting like no other

Looking far into the future: The JCSA Major Superiors ascended the Himalayan Range and perched themselves in Darjeeling, 2042 metres above sea level. They had a breathtaking view of the terrain below - Sikkim to…

What has Tantrism to do with Christianity?

The articles in this volume of Documenta Missionalia are for that reader who is not just a curious learner of Tantrism and Christianity but who is also willing to allow the interaction of two religious…

At the source of Pope Francis’ serenity

During his recent trip to Ireland, Pope Francis had a meeting with several Jesuits of the Irish Province. [auth] One of his Jesuit companions asked him: "Holy Father, how do you manage to keep your…