According to the Statutes of Vidyajyoti, Art. 1, “Initiatives and activities of Vidyajyoti… are intended to promote the values of Christian tradition, and in particular, values of our time most in need – the dignity of human person, the protection of creation, the fundamental dimension of faith, openness to the challenges of the world of culture and sciences, ecumenical dialogue and relations with other religions – in conformity with the principles of the evangelizing mission of the Church.” Thus, inspired by Optatam Totius of Vatican II and Pope John Paul II’s Pastores Dabo Vobis, Vidyajyoti aims at the integral formation, which includes human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation of the students. The training given to the student seeks to make them “men and women for others” who would selflessly serve the people, especially the weaker sections of society, irrespective of caste, colour or creed.
Login to read moreThe author teaches Scripture in Vidyajyoti and is the Editor of Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection (VJTR).