78 years of fulfilled life, 61 years as a Jesuit and 49 years as a priest.
Initially a professor of economics, his search for the MAGIS led him to the Communications ministry. Ultimately he found his true calling in praising and protecting Mother Earth.
The Encyclical of Pope Francis “Laudate Si” awakened the passion for Environment in him. He went to Tarumitra, Patna – to Robert Athickal SJ, to Attapadi, to Wagamon, wherever he could learn ways to help sustain MOTHER EARTH.
With the help of the GJEM (Gujarat Jesuit Ecology Mission), he went around to spread the new Gospel. Through Eco retreats he spread the spirituality of ecology. He enjoyed the Eucharist in the open sky, upon mountains, by the river – anywhere in “God’s own Cathedral”.
He went looking for what people are doing to sustain the environment and save the Earth. Through the ‘Green corner’ in the Gujarat Province newsletter and ‘Our common home’ in JIVAN as well as articles in the Indian current and other magazines, he shared these experiences with one and all. He made use of mass media to spread environmental education.
He propagated affordable Solar steam cookers, Sarai cookers, solar lanterns, solar torches and street lights, among many other solar appliances.
Rappai had an eye for fine art. He organized national level workshops on fine art and sculpture and painting. The life of Christ in Indian classical dance ballet, through noted danseuse Mrinalini Sarabhai, was a landmark expression of his love for art.
Thank you Rappai for making us realise that many drops make the ocean. Now that you have merged in the cosmic dust, do bless our efforts from above.
Vincent Moonnupeedikail, SJ