The Digital Jesuits have been organizing and inviting many renowned individuals for online webinars, talks and testimonies during the past two years. However, this particular online workshop ‘Learning to lead’ was a first, as it aimed at both ‘capacity building’ – wherein the scholastics would devise the modules, methods and medium for the online course and ‘networking’, to a larger global audience with religious content which would be universally relevant, irrespective of countries or cultures.
Six different areas were focused upon by the scholastics of the South Asian Conference -Evangelization by Sch. Joshua (BOM), Synodal Leadership by Sch. Reuel (DAR), Artificial Intelligence and the Church by Sch. Richard (KHM), Fraternity and Social Friendship by Sch. Jubin (JAM), Mental Health and Well Being by Sch. Newton (CCU), Media and the Message of Christ by Sch. Alam (GUJ).
The participants were all above the age of 20. The workshops were divided into two sessions to cater to participants from different time zones, and the program was conducted between the 1st and 8th of May 2022. The workshops had community building exercises and explored the ideas of equity, diversity, and inclusion, in a changing world. Each input was followed by group discussions in break-out rooms and presentations by participants. All in all, it had everyone connected to a global family of learners with diverse perspectives.
The participants evaluated each lesson they were a part of, and were provided with e-certificates based on their submission of the summary of the workshops. We thank Fr. Arjen, the CDF, Fr. Joshy Xavier, the animator of DJs, and all those who supported to make this workshop a connecting factor of learning.
Team Digital Jesuits, JCSA