Every Area Starts to Enter Renewal

Doubt and disillusionment, discouragement and despair, dread and fear are emotions that are common to all of us at some point or other in our lives. When we are confronted with the death of a…

Christmas from the Lens of St Joseph and…

[auth] St. Joseph is not mentioned in the Gospel of Mark. In the Gospel of John, Joseph is mentioned twice and both times only with reference to Jesus (Jn 1:45; 6:42). In the Gospel of…

St. Joseph: model of faith, hope and love

St. Joseph is one of the very few Saints who has two feast days to honour him. The scriptures don’t say much about this silent saint. In fact, St. Joseph does not speak in the…

Christmas in the time of COVID-19

Can we celebrate the feast of Christmas this year in the midst of a pandemic and the scourge of COVID-19?  [auth] If our idea of celebration is restricted to physical participation at various events, then…

Easter in the time of COVID-19

Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Jesus was willing to go to his passion and death despite being afraid, only because he believed it was the will of his Father. [auth] The…

Inter-religious couples: A new Inter-faith dialogue

This article is restricted to marriages between a Catholic person and a partner belonging to another faith. These are known as ‘Inter-religious’ or ‘Disparity of cult’ marriages. The focus of the article is on couples…